Podcasts - Insights for your portfolio
Market Strategist for Arrow SG, Christopher Hall, speaks with industry leading analysts, fund managers and economists during the course of researching the markets for client portfolios.
The Portfolio Series with Christopher Hall
The way Australian investors manage their portfolios has evolved dramatically over the last few years. Exchange Trades Funds (ETFs) and Listed Investment Companies (LICs) now arm investors with tools of increasing accuracy to meet their investment objectives.
The Portfolio Series is built to explore the new tools and building blocks of portfolios through the very questions investors ask when deciding what to invest in.
Representing the everyday investor, Christopher Hall speaks with industry expects, seasoned professionals and the very money managers behind these new building blocks. The insights from The Portfolio Series aims to deliver a framework that investors can use to empower their own decision making process within the ever changing investment landscape.
Talking Stock
The program deconstructs companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange through teasing out their earnings drivers, industry dynamics, management structure and more.
Through interviews with company CEOs, management teams, competitors and other related parties, the show aims to level the playing field in terms of the amount of information individual investors have access to when choosing to invest in a stock. Learn how professional stock analysts and CEOs think, and then leverage this to improve your own investing.
Presented by Christopher Hall, the series provides insights into strongly performing stocks and examines the trends driving the market interest, and tracks the performance of those companies over time.
The program is produced fortnightly.