May 20, 2020
Australian Market Segments to December
November was dominated by mid-cap shares rising 4.8% compared to the market only rising 3.1%. The strength in Mid-Caps is partly...

May 20, 2020
Economy and Indices – November 2019
The ASX gained +3.1% over the last month to reach new all-time highs. This compares to the 3.8% rise on the US markets, also at new...

May 20, 2020
October update - Balanced portfolio
Global interest rates continue to fall. Ironically the majority of income from portfolios is coming from growth assets such as shares and pr

May 20, 2020
October update - Growth portfolio
Australian markets have remained flat while international bourses rose, with many central banks dropping interest rates further still.

May 20, 2020
October update - Conservative Portfolio
Alleviating concerns over geopolitical debates lighten pressure on markets. Although investors take conservative measures while seeing .....

May 20, 2020
Three simple trading rules
New clients often ask where they should start with trading. There is one golden rule; three other rules to follow and two daily articles...

May 20, 2020
Three reasons why the Banks are not your saviour
Your portfolio is dominated by the Big 4 Banks and since March 2009, this has worked for investors. The bank-focus however, will not be...
May 20, 2020
Wednesday's Weekly Wrap
Economy and Indices The Australian market was flat for the 10th week in a row; still within the same tight, 120-point trading range of...

May 20, 2020
In 6 months' time, what would your portfolio wished you'd done for it right now
If you're like most investors, selling your CBA shares to buy Blackmores or Bellamy's isn't an easy call. In fact, it probably seems...

May 20, 2020
Quality Companies or Value Stocks in August Reporting Season wrap
When buying shares investors usually obsess over valuations and how much growth is already priced in - or not. This would seem that lower...